
Ben Fischer

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Posted By Ben Fischer 07-24-2024 21:17
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Absolutely Jonathan!! I also never understood why syncing Work and VCC was never added from the start. XR-5596 - Sync 8x8 work status and VCC status
Posted By Ben Fischer 07-18-2024 17:52
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Bradley, Have you found any way to upload the same Recording for all agents? Alison, how can I see (as an admin) which agents have recordings? Can I upload recordings for agents? Are they accessible via API? We want to rollout a compliance spiel for all our Ops agents but it "appears" you can only voice ...
Posted By Ben Fischer 07-15-2024 14:49
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THAT is a list!! ------------------------------ Ben Fischer ------------------------------
Posted By Ben Fischer 07-14-2024 23:45
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I am using the Evaluations data with PowerBI to show the number of evaluations and the % of calls which have been evaluated out of all calls for that department. It requires an additional calculation but should fit your requirement for already completed calls. You are unable to evaluate ongoing calls, ...
Posted By Ben Fischer 07-14-2024 16:39
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Samuel, what do you say about feature request voting for customers? That would be good for a customer obsessed initiative :) ------------------------------ Ben Fischer ------------------------------
Posted By Ben Fischer 07-14-2024 16:30
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Happy to share mine :) XR-2228 - Feature Request: VCC Audit Logs XR-4418 - 8x8 work should have an optional setting per user to recognise a call from VCC and never forward to voicemail XR-2102 - Misc List of Feature Requests for VCC Configuration Manager. XR-5150 - Be able to run Scripts within Scripts ...
Posted By Ben Fischer 07-10-2024 22:56
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Good question! After setting up 30 channels... I just accepted the 5mins ish. Would be great to know why it is the way it is though. ------------------------------ Ben Fischer ------------------------------
Posted By Ben Fischer 07-09-2024 21:57
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This worked great for VCC calls, but internal calls to the agent resulted in Call Failed. ------------------------------ Ben Fischer ------------------------------
Posted By Ben Fischer 07-09-2024 20:54
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I tried this today, setting myself to reject is busy and when I accepted a vcc queue call while on a direct call, it barged into my call! Maybe need to disable call waiting and try again. ------------------------------ Ben Fischer ------------------------------
Posted By Ben Fischer 07-09-2024 20:50
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We have about 300 vcc agents with agents from different teams taking direct calls :( We get maybe 400 a month getting dropped due to this 8x8 work voicemail issue. ------------------------------ Ben Fischer ------------------------------
Posted By Ben Fischer 07-08-2024 21:26
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Ryan, do you need the app? Is the webbased 8x8 Work app a viable option? ------------------------------ Ben Fischer ------------------------------
Posted By Ben Fischer 07-08-2024 20:57
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Yes, the Workspace Softphone will solve this for one agents, but we also have sales reps who take calls directly AND via queue which the workspace softphone will not resolve. ------------------------------ Ben Fischer ------------------------------
Posted By Ben Fischer 07-08-2024 20:56
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We have some agents who get direct calls to their 8x8 as well as Queue calls. When they get a direct call, 8x8 work changes to In Call but VCC stays Available. When a queue call comes in, it gets redirected to their 8x8 work voicemail which, to be honest is a rubbish experience for the customer. ...
Posted By Ben Fischer 07-05-2024 01:10
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Different issue. We have the shared dash URL on a remote desktop which outputs to a TV. Ops have to ask IT to refresh the browser to refresh any changes but thats not a big deal. Other than the BIG NUMBER elements, everything else is useless at 3m away. The dashes work great when viewing on ...
Posted By Ben Fischer 06-28-2024 16:24
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Can we also get an option to treat 0% and pass (N/A for all) as ignored from the averages. QM API to return the scored values as well as the percentage? Ie Scored 50 Possible score 100 50% ------------------------------ Ben Fischer ------------------------------
Posted By Ben Fischer 06-16-2024 20:51
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Ahh yes yes. I have that API in my mix. Cheers for the head up. You wouldn't happen to know of a cloud or local app which is designed to refresh an API and display data would you... :) ------------------------------ Ben Fischer ------------------------------
Posted By Ben Fischer 06-06-2024 23:58
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Hi all, Has anyone implemented an alternate Wallboard solution to the built in 8x8 dashboards, using the streaming API? I find the built-in dashboards great when viewing on a PC, but quiet painful on a central TV. Keen for tips! ------------------------------ Ben Fischer ------- ...
Posted By Ben Fischer 06-04-2024 17:12
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Hi Colin! An issue that has been raised is the kind of blunt way in which when an agent logs in and makes themselves available, they get the brunt of any emails waiting to be assigned and during that time it plays havoc with their being able to answer phones. 8x8 has a thing called Blended Interactions ...
Posted By Ben Fischer 05-30-2024 23:10
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They have said previously to us too, given all the enhancements coming out of late... hopefully it'll be soon! ------------------------------ Ben Fischer ------------------------------
Posted By Ben Fischer 05-07-2024 14:50
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As Dave eluded, Agent Supervisor is at the time of the interaction. If you change supervisor, all records before the change will retain the old supervisor (as that was the supervisor at the time of the interaction. If a supervisor of 10 years left, you'd want all those old records to retain who was the ...