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  • Posted in: Open Forum

    Thank you both, very helpful and I don't know how I missed that option in the ring group settings! ------------------------------ Matt Read ------------------------------

  • Posted in: Open Forum

    Hello Matt, I think you`ll find this technical literature helpful; Please note that you need to have admin rights to apply the change. If you need any other help, please don`t hesitate to reach out to the 8x8 support team . ------------------------------ ...

  • Posted in: Open Forum

    Hi Matt, In the ring group settings you can change the caller ID settings so it displays the customer name and number rather than the RG name and customer number. Kind regards ------------------------------ Harrison Gee ------------------------ ...

  • Posted in: Open Forum

    I have an auto-attendant set up which gives callers two option, each transferring the call to a different ring group. When the members of the ring group receive the call, the caller ID just displays the name of the ring group rather then the number of ...

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    RE: SMS Campaign

    Posted in: Open Forum

    Hello Jordan, Thank you for your post. support is trying to ensure SMS Campaigns get approved from the first go and as such recommends standardized verbiage for the Privacy Policy in order to avoid rejection. This being said, I do appreciate loss ...