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 Android Teams 8x8 Phone App ring volume

Nigel Webb's profile image
Nigel Webb posted 07-22-2023 09:07


I have the 8x8 Phone App installed within Teams on my Samsung Android phone.

I keep missing incoming calls because although the phone vibrates and a ring tone is played, it is far too quiet. By the time I realise the phone is ringing the call has ended.

How do I either increase the ring volume or select a different ring tone on my Android phone for the 8x8 phone app within Teams? 



Tony Maeller's profile image
Tony Maeller

Hi Nigel,

Unfortunately there's no way for the 8x8 Phone App itself to control volume within Teams Mobile, which is where the control and presentation of actual calls takes place. From there the Teams Mobile app relies on the phone manufacturer's implementation of the OS (Android) for ultimate volume control.

I found that Teams Mobile doesn't currently allow you to change the single fairly weak and unobtrusive ring tone, so that does not appear to be a solution. There are several complaints about this on Microsoft's forum.

I dug through my own Android phone (Samsung S21 FE 5G) for ring Settings and to see if I could potentially even replace the audio file Microsoft implemented, and unfortunately could not find anything that could help you.

So my apologies: I'm afraid that there's nothing I can offer you to resolve this.

I know that it won't be of immediate help, but I suggest giving Microsoft feedback about this omission. If enough customers complain about this, Microsoft might be more inclined to fix it.

Jonathan Lynn's profile image
Jonathan Lynn

I believe the issue is related to the Teams app playing the ringtone out of the wrong speaker and currently there is no way to change this.